Sunday, September 15, 2013

Bill the Cat

Gorgeous Sungolds. Simply gorgeous, and probably the last of the season, in such quantity. How to honor such glory, one may ask? Perhaps sorbet? Below is the frustrating-and-still-not-successful journey.

Found lots of recipes, many using multiple ingredients. But I want to highlight the straightforward tang and lovely liquidity of my tomatoes (not for me, the coring/de-seeding thing--methinks that's where the most concentrated, lively flavor lives) without distractions. Well, maybe a little fennel pollen, since I have a bunch and some is losing its flavor (What? This old thing?); I loved the combo of the initial hit of bright, fruity Sungold acidity with the fennel flavor following on the back palate.

Recipe #1: trial run of 10 oz. cherry tomatoes, 5 Tbs. simple syrup infused with cracked fennel seeds, pinch coarse salt, 1-1/2 tsp. fennel pollen, and 1 Tbs. lemon juice. Blended, chilled thoroughly, and made into sorbet (via the Breville). Upshot? Ack--tasted like sundried tomatoes.

Recipe #2: 10 oz. cherry tomatoes, 3 Tbs. glucose syrup (to reduce sweetness whilst still preventing large ice crystals), 2 Tbs. fennel seed-infused simple syrup, 1 tsp. fennel pollen, and 1-1/2 Tbs. lemon juice. Blended, chilled thoroughly, and made into sorbet. Upshot? Ack--tasted like sundried tomatoes.

Perhaps new techniques were needed. Made tomato water, with the idea that perhaps the meatiness of the tomato flesh is what I find objectionable. Also, I wondered if the minimal heat added via blending the tomatoes contributed a slightly-cooked essence to the tomatoes, resulting in that sundried flavor. Continued to use glucose syrup as well as simple, to reduce the sundried fruitiness. Further reduced the fennel pollen, to continue to cut the sweet flavors.

Recipe #3: 10 oz. cherry tomatoes, chopped and put through largest-holed disc of a food mill into a cheesecloth-lined bowl. Allowed the cheesecloth to drain at room temp x 2 hours with the occasional squeeze. Mixed the resulting tomato water with 2/3 cup (minus 2 tsp.) chilled water, 1 tsp. each fennel simple and glucose syrups, a pinch of coarse salt, 2 tsp. lemon juice, and a pinch of fennel pollen. Made it into sorbet without chilling first. Upshot? A finer texture, less sundried tomato flavor, and definitely not sweet. Still occasionally too sundried-y. Because of the finer texture, I found the bits of fennel pollen distracting. Also, a bit too icy. I shall try one more round, using my actual Sungolds. I'll add a little vodka to reduce iciness, and flavor the tomato water with fennel before straining it out through the cheesecloth. Any additional suggestions (Hello? Anyone there?) are warmly welcomed.


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